Wednesday, May 22, 2019

How to gain weight and weight increase tips

There are many people who are upset due to the need for less weight and their physical appearance. And it is true that like the obese people, the possibilities of sickness are also maintained for them. In fact, the number of attempts to lose weight is equal to the dedication and efforts required for weight gain.  Obesity and increased weight, where there is a big problem , the same low weight and lean body can not even show personality attractive.

What does it mean to be underweight ?? 

Having underweight means that your BMI is less than 18.5, which means that it is less than the necessary BMME to keep your body healthy. As more than 25 BMIs are overweight and more than 30 are said to be obesity. Although some people appear to be very thin and underweight, but they live a healthy life, this is due to their controlled BMI

1 There may be several reasons for underweight

1 Eating disorder - There is also anorexia nervosa, which is a serious manal disorder.Thyroid related problem-Thyroid gland controls the body of Bimal. Metabolism increaseswhen overactive thyroid and weight starts to lose.Ciliate Disease - The most dangerous stage of gluten-endowment is the disease, which most of the patients do not know aboutDiabetes - Ankantrol of type 1 diabetes can also reduce weightEven after getting cancer or tumor, many calories in the body burn and the weight gets reduced. If you are underweight, then you should show the doctor to you once.However, it is not necessary that due to the above diseases, one's weight is reduced. Perhaps there is a genetic cause of low weight or the person's life style is such that the weight does not increase.There are following ways to increase weight for such a person.

Side Effects of being under weight

According to a research, the probability of early dying of men increases to 140% after men underweight, whereas in women it increases by 100%, in this research, early death due to obesity has been measured to only 50%.This means that being underweight is too bad for health to be overweight. Another research has found that due to underweight in men, there is a sudden death due to women.On underweight, there is also adverse effect on the immune system, due to which the probability of infections increases, osteoporosis and fracture can also occur. In those who are weighing heavily, the likelihood of having a disease such as sarcopenia (vascular muscle vasting) and dementia increases.

How to gain weight fast

It is not that by eating only 4 days more weight increases, because the digestive function of everyone's body gets balanced by going to a level. In such a slight change in food and drink, there is adverse effects on the body. Now if one starts to eat more than suddenly, then it is not absolutely necessary that within a short time the deflection of fat begins to begin. In fact, the formation of new mussels, the formation of fat and also of having stemina without fatigue is a long process. This requires at least 7 days. Though a huge change can not be seen in 7 days, but even then people can change food and increase the weight of 5 to 8 kg in 7 days.

For gaining weight, start nutritious diet

It is not necessary that you have to take high food containing high fat fat to increase weight. You can also take high calorie food such as nuts, peanut butter, vegetables containing starch, low-fat dairy products, eggs, beans and holes.It does not mean that you are starting to eat anything and sometimes you should stay away from things like burgers, cheese cakes, potato fries, anion rings, candies, to increase the weight.Because with digestive diet taken in the process of weight gain, your digestive system may worsen by eating all these foods.

Use calorie calculator

1 The best way to increase weight is to get more calories containing meals. And try as much as possible to get more calories out of the amount of calories consumed. You can also use the calorie calculator for this.

2 According to this calculator, you should burn 300 to 500 calories every day if you want to increase the weight of the slow weight. An estimate is made from the calorie meter. It is not always needed, but in the early days, with the help of it, right direction can be found.

More protein in diet

The most important nutrient proteins are for weight gain.Mussels are made from proteins, and without it extra blood is converted into fat calories.Research indicates that high protein is converted into a lot of extra calorie muscles. However, taking excessive protein is less likely to cause appetite due to which the body does not get much calories.You aim to take 1.5 to 2.2 grams of protein per pound of 7 to 1 gram per kilo of your body weight per kilo. If your calorie intake is high then you can take even more from it.High protein food also includes meat, fish, eggs and many other dairy products, legumes, nuts and other things

Change the schedule and food habits

Eat at least 3 times a day. And take maximum carbohydrate and fat food in the meal.If you add more spices, sauces etc. in the meal you will eat more, if there is no problem of sugar, sweet food can also help to gain weight. Take food containing energy such as almonds, walnuts, nuts etc.Cheese like dry fruits, high fat dairy, greens, potatoes, dark chocolate, avocado, peanutbuter, coconut milk also increase weightThere will be no room for energy-rich food to eat more vegetables, so take bananas, grapes such as grapes, which do not need to chew more.Stop drinking water a few times before eating, because drinking water before eating feels stomach full of food, which does not take enough food and due to this there is also problem in taking the required calories.Eat as much as you can before sleeping. Start drinking milk for high quality protein and calories.Weight-raising snacks like chipsTake a meal in a big plate, it will give you more food to eat. Start mixing cream in coffee, this will give you more calories.Take good sleep for muscle growth. First of all eat protein-rich food at the very last.Smoking and alcohol lose weight, leave them both.

How to gain weight for men

Eat more than 3 times a day, if your natural metabolism is very good, then even three meals will not help you, start eating 5 times in such a way.

Take a lot of calories every mile, take a meal of the restaurant size every time, it has more calories.Take 3 egg omelet, 2 breads, 1 cup potato and 1 glass orange juice in breakfast. Take 2 bananas and salads along with roti, vegetable rice in lunch. Dinner can be baked potatoes and 2-4 cups of vegetables or any fruit.

Sugar soda and big pizza can also be taken with nutritious food for weight gain, but it will degrade your metabolism and you will start to grow fat instead of muscle.Therefore, take unprocessed food such as chicken, oatmeal The more food cooks can cook, and the frozen or the survivors or the prey, the more salt, the more sugar is left to eat.

You can do this by doing weight training to make masels, or you can do this by bringing the necessary equipment home. These are important in weight gain, so try to do it 2 to 3 times per week. You can also do resistance exercises, which raises your muscles without raising your weight. Chest and arms can also be enhanced by push-ups.

Work out on different muscle groups, exercise equally for your arm, bake, chest, stomach and leg muscles. For this, make your week plan as you can work on your arms and chest one day, then one day can be used for leggs, abs and next day for bake chest. You can also have your own personal trainer to do the same in the direction of an experienced person, so that you will not only get the right direction but also the possibility of getting hurt will be reduced.

Muscle mass is formed when you give muscle fibers pushing more than every day limit, it may be due to weight lifting, but if you do more, you may also have an injection that will stop the mousal building. . Therefore, with the advice of an expert, according to your stamina and your health, select the right exercise for yourself.

How to gain weight for girls

Social life is also very difficult for thin and skinny women, and if women try it, instead of increasing weight, fat starts forming in unsanitary parts of the body, which also contributes to the health effects of spoiling body shape. Are.

That's why it is better to think of weight gain only after muscle weight gain. Therefore, work on this plan, create a plan of exercise and yoga with diet, so that the fat deposition can be controlled.

Do weight training, it will change your extra calories to muscle. Some compound movements such as body-weight squats, push-ups, cry or deadlift. Running like aerobic exercise, do not cycling, it can reduce your weight.

How to gain weight home remedy

Every morning, after drinking milk with a banana, the weight increases fast. If you do not have diabetes, then add a teaspoon sugar to it, but it is possible to eradicate the condition of cold or cough. Put a peanut butter on the bread in the breakfast and take fruits or vegetables with it.Mango also increases weight as bananas; When we take it with milk, weighs rapidly.Include things like cheese, cheese, potato, rice, soyabean, milk, curd, in these foods, these most weight increases fastGain stress-free lives, by taking stress, there is less weight in the weight too, it also reduces the amount of anti-oxidant in the body. Therefore weight can be controlled by taking yoga, exercise and nutritious diet.Heat 1 glass of milk and mix 2 teaspoons ashwagandha powder and 1 spoonful of ghee, start taking it twice a day, if you do this for one month, weight will increase.Chemomile contains antispasmodic properties that correct digestion related problems such as gas, dyspasia and indization, it also leads to hunger. By drinking the tea of ​​Daily Chemomile, good results are found, peppermint (peppermint) can also be added.Dandelion (also called dandelion or Kukrunda) is rooted in potassium, iron, zinc, vitamin C, D, A and B complex. With its help, weight can also be increased. It can be used as a spice or can be mixed in tea.Figs contain carbohydrates as well as polyunsaturated fat which helps in increasing weight. Soak the figs on a daily night and eat them twice the next day, if you fill the month, a good change in weight will start to appear.Munkka also has essential fatty acids that increase the weight, so about a quarter of a cup of fine flour daily for one month is good for weight gain. Eating them by putting them in water in
 night benefits too.

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