Saturday, June 8, 2019

The right way to the broken heel

Hello friends welcome Your friends in this article of yours today Follow us to get all kinds of information related to health. Friends, today we are going to tell you a remedy to correct the torn ankles. So let's know friends. Regarding the way to correct it 

At the same time, the problem of ankles rupture occurs along with age, and if you spend more time in the water, there will definitely be a crack in your ankles. Today, I will tell you about a method which will also make the edible edges too soft.

Now the torn edges will also become very soft, just use this tremendously

homely recipe -

To prepare this recipe, you will need lemon and Vaseline Friends, you have to use this recipe before sleeping at night. In a small bowl, you have to mix half teaspoon lemon juice and half teaspoon Vaseline together.

You should keep your feet in hot water 15 minutes before using this recipe. When 15 minutes pass, you place it on the floor of your feet, especially on the ankles. All night you leave him the same way. If you do this for a few days, your torn edges will also become soft.

Girls do not need to go to the parlor now to make pedicure. Women can do pedicure, manicure at home only. Friends, we have to feel embarrassed several times due to torn feet.

It is very important to take care of your feet in such a way. The rising glamor world of social media is now being seen not only on women's heads but also on men.
The easiest way to fix broken 

ankles is to use cotton socks and petroleum jelly before sleeping at night. First of all you have to wash your feet and after drying, you have to put the petroleum jelly. Then wear the junkies.

Friends, do you take any kind of cream from those people, if this is right then you should not do that. You have to understand that which part of your body should be placed on the ankles or on your body.

You have to use a foot cream. Friends, you warm water and remember that the water does not get too hot. Add little alum in it, the feet will get relief.

There may be many more reasons for this. To avoid this, avoid avoiding the oil content, because the oil content is the one thing that is fine flour, junk food. Who are spoiling our nervous system So if your nervous system is not well Or there is pain in the ankles. So avoiding eating oil and junk food to get rid of it

To avoid this, you have to keep your feet in warm water for four to five times in four minutes for cold water and for five minutes. You should continue doing this remedy daily for one to two weeks. It will show the difference in your ankle pain. Please tell the comments by commenting in the comment box and liking the post and liking the share 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

How To Erase Itch Itch, Treatment Of Skin Disease

Shingles, itching and itching is a kind of fungal infection that can happen to any person at any age. Disease, itching and itching disease, once a person is born, it does not go smoothly. Therefore, many precautions have to be taken while taking treatment for herpes, itch and itching. If the person does not take these precautions then the person will surely not be benefitted. That is why today we are going to tell you what mistakes the person should never make on the rash, itching and itching.

1. First of all to reduce the use of soap and shampoo, the person should stop using the soap and shampoo after the herpes, itch and itching. There are elements in soap and shampoo which will double the problem of skin in one day. This mistake is often done by most people, if you have to use soap, Antifangal or neem soap should be used only.

2. On the skin, itching and itching, the person should not eat anything that is bruising, such as tamarind, amla, and sour buttermilk, curd, water puri etc. should be stopped, because these things increase shingles, itching and itching. is. Most people do not keep this in mind, so they continue to treat shingles, itching and itching, but they do not benefit.

3. Whenever it is irritable, itching and itching, always warm the neem water for bath and take bath from it. Should never bathe with cold water, such as herpes, itch and itching.

4. If the person has shingles, itching and itching around the private part then the person should wear cotton clothes and wear open, loose clothes.Do not wear tight clothes such as jeans, even if you feel shingles, itching and itching. Because it increases the cause of ringworm, itching and itching.
5. Continued treatment of dandruff, itch and itching for at least 3 months. Even if the person has benefitted in 7 days, but the person still has to continue treatment for 3 months So that it ends with the condition of herpes, itch and itching. Most people treat shingles, itching and itching for a few days and as soon as they have a little profit, they stop the treatment, due to which the disease is recovered some time later.

6. If you have a skin disease, first of all, take some coconut oil. Then add a little camphor and place it in the place of your skin disease. By doing so, the skin disease will be cured as soon as possible and you will be completely healthy.

7. Iuif you have a lot of skin diseases and you have become very upset. If you take this prescription, drink more than 10 glasses of water daily, because the skin starts drying slowly in skin diseases and drinking water is very helpful in the disease of skin diseases, so drink water definitely.

* If the parts of the body have become appreciated, mix it with vinegar in large part and drink it and then apply it. This will provide relief immediately.

* Grind black chino in water and mix honey in it. This way you can do for a few days, you can get rid of herpes

* Sprinkle peppermint juice repeatedly. It also gets rid of herpes.

* Boil neem leaves in water and rinse it with rags. This also removes shingles..

* Applying aloe vera seeds in buttermilk and grinding them on the herpes is also beneficial. Eloviras are also treasures of properties, due to which any difficulty can be eliminated.

* Mixing juices of neem seeds mixed with garlic juice can also be relieved of herpes.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

How to reduce fatness, easy ways to reduce fat

At present, there is a problem of growing fat in the stomach. The main reason for growing stomach is not exercise and fast food intake. Fat in the abdomen is called obesity. Obesity is very harmful to human health. Obesity causes many diseases in the human body, from which mainly diabetes, cholesterol growth, respiratory disease etc. Today I am going to tell you how to reduce obesity. Let's know about those treatments 

               Measures to eliminate object

                   1.a) green vegetables intake

Use seasonal green vegetables in excessive quantities. Seasonal vegetables like Fenugreek, Spinach, Bathua, Chalisag. They contain high amounts of calcium.

                    2.b) Eating less energy

Eat low energy consumed onMeasures to eliminate obesity Eat roasted gram, moong dal, porridge etc. Fat is less in them.

                    3.c) Yoga and honey

Every morning, 5 to 10 minutes on the morning, do kapalbhati yoga and after 10 to 15 minutes you drink a teaspoon of honey in a glass of hot water and drink slowly. If you take this little recipe, your obesity will end in a few days. Apart from this, any problems related to your stomach will also be removed.

              4.d) Chana dough chapati

Stop the chapatti of wheat flour in the food and start taking chapati of barley and gram flour.Barley and gram contain carbohydrate substances that are easily digested.

                5.e) Lemon and water

Squeeze the juice of nibud in warm water, drink it well and it feels too light. If you drink lemon tea in summer, it does not make gas in the stomach and it also reduces obesity.

Fat can accumulate on any part of the body so that you can be embarrassed. To reduce this, you have to take a number of measures. To remove fat from hands, there are many creams in the market that make skin tight. This type of treatment has many side effects and it is quite expensive. That is why you can adopt some methods without exercising, to tighten and clean the skin of the hand. Let's tell you how

Turmeric: The use of turmeric has been used to remove skin related problems for many years. It contains antibacterial properties that help in reducing inflammation. To make use it, mix 1 spoon turmeric, 1 spoon curd and 1 spoon gram flour and make paste. Place this paste on hand for 20 minutes. Wash hands with water after 20 minutes.

  Glycerin: Glycerin helps in retaining its flexibility by providing moisturizer to the skin.For this, add half a spoon of 1 spoonful of glycerine and put this paste on the hand. Keep it covered for 20 minutes so that the skin absorbs it. After that wash the hands with cold water. It helps to strengthen the arm fat.

Milk: Milk also helps in refining skin with tone. To use it, mix 1 teaspoon milk and 1 teaspoon honey. Put it on the arm and massage the circular motion on the skin. Continue for 10 minutes. After that wash the hands with lukewarm water.

Egg: The egg helps to strengthen the fat of your hands. For this, take the white part of the 2 eggs fat. Now add 1 spoonful of milk, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Now put this mask on hand. Leave it for half an hour. Then wash hands with lukewarm water.

Frinds, obesity has becomey a big problem in today's times and in today's part-time life, people can not pay attention to food and you worry about your health and due to this, their obesity is growing rapidly. goes So today, we know that in this part-time heavy life, we can reduce our obesity by which Axise we can make a fit body by giving some time in our house     

                               Side stretch 

Stand straight, separate your feet with hip-width. Place your right hand on your right hip, and lift your left palm up, palm on the right side Keep your legs centered, bend right and reach with your left hand, stretch your left hand. Repeat every 3-5 times on each side.


First, keep your feet around 8 inches (20 cm) apart. Raise your arms in front of you and set up four sets of 15-20 squats. This will have a big impact on your side belly.


First you go to pushup position, but rest on your elbows and chambers, keeping your back, neck, and bottom down in a straight line, tighten your stomach muscles, this condition can be up to 30 seconds or as long as possible Keep it, then rest a bit and repeat 3-4 times.

Today, we have brought a great recipe for you, which will dissolve like your body fat wax in a few days, let us tell you that the best time to lose weight is at the time of sleep, yes, friends, that is why you This recipe is to be used by 2 hours before sleeping at night, so you can lose weight quickly, let us know how to prepare this recipe.What you need to prepare this recipeOne spoon powder which keeps the metabolism in control, the fat starts melting, the second thing we want is 2 teaspoons fennel, the third thing is 2 teaspoons cumin seeds, then add the fennel and cumin, then fry it on the hot pan, then these two Put things in a grinder and grind it, now it is necessary to get a spoon of powder in this powder.Now the last thing that is needed is a spoonful curry powder, mix it in the mixer given above, your recipe is ready, now take a spoonful of this powder and take it with lukewarm water 2 hours before sleeping every night Take, in just a few days, your stomach and waist excess fat will start decreasing rapidly.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Undermine unwanted hair from underarms, easily remove hair men and women

If there is a hair on the unhealthy place of the body then it looks cynical in appearance. Many boys and girls are troubled by the body's unwanted hair. And do many remedies to eliminate unwanted hair. But to eliminate unwanted hair has to face pain. Today, we will tell you a simple recipe that will eliminate unwanted hair without pain. Let's know. Those who are troubled by the body's unwanted hair, read this news right away, it is important.
If there is a hair on the unhealthy place of the body then it looks cynical in appearance. Many boys and girls are troubled by the body's unwanted hair. And do many remedies to eliminate unwanted hair. But to eliminate unwanted hair has to face pain. Today, we will tell you a simple recipe that will eliminate unwanted hair without pain. Let's know. Those who are troubled by the body's unwanted hair, read this news right away, it is important.

Remedies to eliminate unwanted hair

1. Nowadays there are soaps available in the market which eliminate unwanted hair. If you want to eliminate unwanted hair without pain, then use hair remover soap from the market and use it on the body's unwanted hair. And eliminate unwanted hair without pain.

2. Today, we have brought home recipe for you to eliminate unwanted hair. To do this recipe, make a paste in a bowl with a little gram flour, turmeric, 5 grams of raw milk and a lemon juice and mix them all together. And place this paste in the body's unwanted hairy place before sleeping every night. Doing this will endlessly eliminate the body's unwanted hair.

3 Shaving

Friends, I know that when the shaving name comes, our mind starts to feel scared that we do not want any body wound or problem with blades on our body. Friends do not need to be afraid of blades because there are many types of safety blades coming in the market today. And in the case of advise you to use them, the blades of many brands have strong steel and shaving also very smoother due to having more than one blade.

So if your hair is tall then you can trim them a little bit. After that take bath with hot water so that your hair becomes soft. After this you can use shaving foam or cream. Massage the foam by putting it on the whole body so that the hair becomes soft. Know how to shave after this. You have to take care to look at any part of the body (which you are going to shave), in the opposite direction on which your hair is growing, you have to use the razor.
Let me tell you about some parts, start from the top, then on the chest, you have to shave the razor downwards, between the two chests in the middle of the right and shave from left side On the abdominal (abdomen) you should use the razor at the top. Many people can shave between the two right and left sides in the same way as said in the opposite direction of the hair shave. Armpit (side or side) Here you can shave both sides up and down. After this, if you want to remove your pubic hair, then I will write a different article for that, because the place is very sensitive. Now let's do the legs (feet), then here you do the same upstairs. Use this method for hands too. After bathing, take bath again and if some hair is saved, then shave it only with the razor. Make sure to make it a routine once a week. After bathing, take a good moisturizer on your body and do not use any perfume or deodorant for one or two days on the body

 4 Use epilator

The easiest and safest way to remove unwanted hair is the epilator and for this you will also need a moisturizing gel in addition to the epilator.
Before applying the epilator, clean the part of the underarm with lukewarm water to make the hair soft and leave easily without much pain.
- Raise the hand and keep the epilator at 45 degrees and start removing hair. Rotate it well in every direction
- After the removal of all the hair, apply a moisturizing gel so that your skin is suding.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

To make the chest grow faster, push up this way your chests will be released in a few days.

In today's time, every young person has a broad breasted chest. The chest looks attractive to the body by being wide. And the clothes come fit too. People work hard every day to widen the chest. But due to lack of information and time, there is no wide chest. So today we will tell you a specific exercise. From which you can find a wide chest at home. Let's know. Take 5 minutes everyday to get a broad chest, this easy exercise, then see its maximum.The name of the exercises which we have brought to you today for widening the chest is Push-Up. But nowadays people tend to reduce push-ups. And pay more attention to the second exercise. this is wrong. If you do not correctly 45-50 push-ups from your body weight, then exercise is not beneficial for your body, such as lifting your weight and pressing the bench.

While push-ups, most people make the mistake that this exercise only takes up to 3 sets
While you have to do five sets of this exercise daily. And take 5 minutes break between each set. This is how to push-up everyday. By doing so, the dream of seeing your broad chest will be complete.

By continuously pushing you will become the master of a broad wide chest. In addition to getting a broad chest, use carbohydrate and protein-rich diet
Friends The strong chests play an important role in the beauty of the male's body. It enhances the beauty of personality along with the body as well. Men whose body is good but if chests are not wide and strong then they are not called as attractive. By the way chests have many exercises that you can regenerate and get a good chest chest, but if you talk about exercises done at home then there are no more options for it.

The main exercise to be worn at home is considered pushup
Today, we are going to tell you about the ways of pushuping that if you change and change regularly, you can definitely get a good shape and strong chest. Let's see-

1 ● Regular pushup-

These are normal pushups. They have to lay down on the stomach and raise the body with the help of palms and claws. It is the main ingredient of breathing while walking up and breathing while slowly going down

2 ● Wide pushup-

All the work in it is like a regular pushup, but it has to keep hands away from the earlier ones. It is very effective on the outer part of the chest.

3 ● Clap pushup-

There is also a pushup like regular, but while raising the body, jumping over the body, claping it with hands once and then keeping hands as the status quo. This makes the chest thrive and the mussels are affected.

4 ● Close grip pushup-

These wide pushups are inverted. In this, the whole process is like normal but keep the hands close. This gives a great shape and resonance in Chest.

These pushups rotate in a 3-3 set with a 10-10 rap. Of course you will get the benefit.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

How to gain weight and weight increase tips

There are many people who are upset due to the need for less weight and their physical appearance. And it is true that like the obese people, the possibilities of sickness are also maintained for them. In fact, the number of attempts to lose weight is equal to the dedication and efforts required for weight gain.  Obesity and increased weight, where there is a big problem , the same low weight and lean body can not even show personality attractive.

What does it mean to be underweight ?? 

Having underweight means that your BMI is less than 18.5, which means that it is less than the necessary BMME to keep your body healthy. As more than 25 BMIs are overweight and more than 30 are said to be obesity. Although some people appear to be very thin and underweight, but they live a healthy life, this is due to their controlled BMI

1 There may be several reasons for underweight

1 Eating disorder - There is also anorexia nervosa, which is a serious manal disorder.Thyroid related problem-Thyroid gland controls the body of Bimal. Metabolism increaseswhen overactive thyroid and weight starts to lose.Ciliate Disease - The most dangerous stage of gluten-endowment is the disease, which most of the patients do not know aboutDiabetes - Ankantrol of type 1 diabetes can also reduce weightEven after getting cancer or tumor, many calories in the body burn and the weight gets reduced. If you are underweight, then you should show the doctor to you once.However, it is not necessary that due to the above diseases, one's weight is reduced. Perhaps there is a genetic cause of low weight or the person's life style is such that the weight does not increase.There are following ways to increase weight for such a person.

Side Effects of being under weight

According to a research, the probability of early dying of men increases to 140% after men underweight, whereas in women it increases by 100%, in this research, early death due to obesity has been measured to only 50%.This means that being underweight is too bad for health to be overweight. Another research has found that due to underweight in men, there is a sudden death due to women.On underweight, there is also adverse effect on the immune system, due to which the probability of infections increases, osteoporosis and fracture can also occur. In those who are weighing heavily, the likelihood of having a disease such as sarcopenia (vascular muscle vasting) and dementia increases.

How to gain weight fast

It is not that by eating only 4 days more weight increases, because the digestive function of everyone's body gets balanced by going to a level. In such a slight change in food and drink, there is adverse effects on the body. Now if one starts to eat more than suddenly, then it is not absolutely necessary that within a short time the deflection of fat begins to begin. In fact, the formation of new mussels, the formation of fat and also of having stemina without fatigue is a long process. This requires at least 7 days. Though a huge change can not be seen in 7 days, but even then people can change food and increase the weight of 5 to 8 kg in 7 days.

For gaining weight, start nutritious diet

It is not necessary that you have to take high food containing high fat fat to increase weight. You can also take high calorie food such as nuts, peanut butter, vegetables containing starch, low-fat dairy products, eggs, beans and holes.It does not mean that you are starting to eat anything and sometimes you should stay away from things like burgers, cheese cakes, potato fries, anion rings, candies, to increase the weight.Because with digestive diet taken in the process of weight gain, your digestive system may worsen by eating all these foods.

Use calorie calculator

1 The best way to increase weight is to get more calories containing meals. And try as much as possible to get more calories out of the amount of calories consumed. You can also use the calorie calculator for this.

2 According to this calculator, you should burn 300 to 500 calories every day if you want to increase the weight of the slow weight. An estimate is made from the calorie meter. It is not always needed, but in the early days, with the help of it, right direction can be found.

More protein in diet

The most important nutrient proteins are for weight gain.Mussels are made from proteins, and without it extra blood is converted into fat calories.Research indicates that high protein is converted into a lot of extra calorie muscles. However, taking excessive protein is less likely to cause appetite due to which the body does not get much calories.You aim to take 1.5 to 2.2 grams of protein per pound of 7 to 1 gram per kilo of your body weight per kilo. If your calorie intake is high then you can take even more from it.High protein food also includes meat, fish, eggs and many other dairy products, legumes, nuts and other things

Change the schedule and food habits

Eat at least 3 times a day. And take maximum carbohydrate and fat food in the meal.If you add more spices, sauces etc. in the meal you will eat more, if there is no problem of sugar, sweet food can also help to gain weight. Take food containing energy such as almonds, walnuts, nuts etc.Cheese like dry fruits, high fat dairy, greens, potatoes, dark chocolate, avocado, peanutbuter, coconut milk also increase weightThere will be no room for energy-rich food to eat more vegetables, so take bananas, grapes such as grapes, which do not need to chew more.Stop drinking water a few times before eating, because drinking water before eating feels stomach full of food, which does not take enough food and due to this there is also problem in taking the required calories.Eat as much as you can before sleeping. Start drinking milk for high quality protein and calories.Weight-raising snacks like chipsTake a meal in a big plate, it will give you more food to eat. Start mixing cream in coffee, this will give you more calories.Take good sleep for muscle growth. First of all eat protein-rich food at the very last.Smoking and alcohol lose weight, leave them both.

How to gain weight for men

Eat more than 3 times a day, if your natural metabolism is very good, then even three meals will not help you, start eating 5 times in such a way.

Take a lot of calories every mile, take a meal of the restaurant size every time, it has more calories.Take 3 egg omelet, 2 breads, 1 cup potato and 1 glass orange juice in breakfast. Take 2 bananas and salads along with roti, vegetable rice in lunch. Dinner can be baked potatoes and 2-4 cups of vegetables or any fruit.

Sugar soda and big pizza can also be taken with nutritious food for weight gain, but it will degrade your metabolism and you will start to grow fat instead of muscle.Therefore, take unprocessed food such as chicken, oatmeal The more food cooks can cook, and the frozen or the survivors or the prey, the more salt, the more sugar is left to eat.

You can do this by doing weight training to make masels, or you can do this by bringing the necessary equipment home. These are important in weight gain, so try to do it 2 to 3 times per week. You can also do resistance exercises, which raises your muscles without raising your weight. Chest and arms can also be enhanced by push-ups.

Work out on different muscle groups, exercise equally for your arm, bake, chest, stomach and leg muscles. For this, make your week plan as you can work on your arms and chest one day, then one day can be used for leggs, abs and next day for bake chest. You can also have your own personal trainer to do the same in the direction of an experienced person, so that you will not only get the right direction but also the possibility of getting hurt will be reduced.

Muscle mass is formed when you give muscle fibers pushing more than every day limit, it may be due to weight lifting, but if you do more, you may also have an injection that will stop the mousal building. . Therefore, with the advice of an expert, according to your stamina and your health, select the right exercise for yourself.

How to gain weight for girls

Social life is also very difficult for thin and skinny women, and if women try it, instead of increasing weight, fat starts forming in unsanitary parts of the body, which also contributes to the health effects of spoiling body shape. Are.

That's why it is better to think of weight gain only after muscle weight gain. Therefore, work on this plan, create a plan of exercise and yoga with diet, so that the fat deposition can be controlled.

Do weight training, it will change your extra calories to muscle. Some compound movements such as body-weight squats, push-ups, cry or deadlift. Running like aerobic exercise, do not cycling, it can reduce your weight.

How to gain weight home remedy

Every morning, after drinking milk with a banana, the weight increases fast. If you do not have diabetes, then add a teaspoon sugar to it, but it is possible to eradicate the condition of cold or cough. Put a peanut butter on the bread in the breakfast and take fruits or vegetables with it.Mango also increases weight as bananas; When we take it with milk, weighs rapidly.Include things like cheese, cheese, potato, rice, soyabean, milk, curd, in these foods, these most weight increases fastGain stress-free lives, by taking stress, there is less weight in the weight too, it also reduces the amount of anti-oxidant in the body. Therefore weight can be controlled by taking yoga, exercise and nutritious diet.Heat 1 glass of milk and mix 2 teaspoons ashwagandha powder and 1 spoonful of ghee, start taking it twice a day, if you do this for one month, weight will increase.Chemomile contains antispasmodic properties that correct digestion related problems such as gas, dyspasia and indization, it also leads to hunger. By drinking the tea of ​​Daily Chemomile, good results are found, peppermint (peppermint) can also be added.Dandelion (also called dandelion or Kukrunda) is rooted in potassium, iron, zinc, vitamin C, D, A and B complex. With its help, weight can also be increased. It can be used as a spice or can be mixed in tea.Figs contain carbohydrates as well as polyunsaturated fat which helps in increasing weight. Soak the figs on a daily night and eat them twice the next day, if you fill the month, a good change in weight will start to appear.Munkka also has essential fatty acids that increase the weight, so about a quarter of a cup of fine flour daily for one month is good for weight gain. Eating them by putting them in water in
 night benefits too.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

How to make six pack abs How to make six pack abs 5 exerises

Everybody wants to get ahead in every part of the life of today. Everyone wants to be something, but because of this, most of us do not take care of our health and do not take care of eating and drinking, and in return, Gets sick or we become fat, increases stomach fat
And it seems to be very dirty and unsightly in seeing this, that is why it is said to be a better person and it is the identity of the cheap person. Now some people do hard work to exercise and try to make Six Pack but a right The only way to help you make Six Pack Abs, in this article, will tell you how to make six  abs how to sit at home?
It is not enough to just exercise regularly, with a better exercise for six pack abs, you need a better and post-meal meal if you need a six pack as soon as possible, at home. It is important to take care of eating food or else exercise is not of any use then let's go

Best food for 6 pack abs food six for abs

1 broccoli : You probably do not know  health is very beneficial to keep fit. Broccoli is a low calorie food that has fiber in which to lose weight. If it is extremely beneficial then it is necessary to lose weight and make six pack

2  Green Tea: You may have heard or would have seen people drink green tea in the morning. In the morning stomach, green tea means that your metabolism helps in improving your metabolism, Fat is low and fat does not accumulate.

Walnuts: Nut only contains more fiber and antioxidants which is beneficial for your body

3 Milk: Milk is beneficial for health. It is well known that milk contains plenty of protein, which helps in reducing cholesterol and blood pressure, besides six pack abs (Six Pack Abs), you will need stamina which will provide you milk.

4 Chicken: Whether to make Biceps in Body Building or Six Pack is beneficial to yo
Eggs: You have heard that whatever the gym does the gym does it, you can eat the boiled egg, which means boiled eggs which make your body bones strong and in your body and The cheese also provides the ibliye egg is very beneficial

5 Banana: It is also very beneficial to make the gym, for the person doing the gym every morning after doing a gym with 2 banana milk or similar

Do not eat quickly to make a six pack. Avoid Food for Six Pack Abs

You should not eat some food to make six pack abs, so why should some foods increase fat in your body i.e., increase your weight, so that if you gain weight then you should be able to absorb the weight or stomach fat. You will get a quick and better resul
Oily Food: Any food that contains more amount of oil in oil, it is possible to reduce the consumption of such food.

1 Fast Food: Today, people in post-dumping life eat food after eating postcorn food like fast food such as pizza, burger, etc. If you want to look fit and fit, You should not eat these things in
2 Butter: Many people have mourned for eating butter and butter, they increase fat in your body i.e. you have to avoid such things that you need to avoid. Six Pack Abs ) For making.

Diet Plan for Six Pack Abs. 6 Pack Abs Diet Plan 

In the morning, take an apple and you can take 4 boiled eggs (only white part of the egg) or boiled chicken and a little broccoli and can also lightly eat well.
In the afternoon diet, you have to take a little bit of light on the morning breakfast, in this case, you can take anything like oil that is fat-free.

Evening diet should not be too heavy, you can take a bowl of corn, mix vege ...
How To Make Six Pack Abs

To reduce fat and to make Six Pack Abs, the way a Diet Plan is needed is the same. It is very important for you to exercise regularly for a regular period of time. You can not make Six Pack Abs without Exercise, so let's know what you can do at home only for the best exercise you can make six packs.

1. Make Jackknife Sit-Up

For Six Pack Abs, Jacknife Sit Up Exercise is very important. In this exercise, you have to lie downright in which you have to take a deep saree, before starting, after that you have to take both hands and feet together. And touching the fingers of both hands and feet in v shap and then staying in this position for 4-5 seconds then slowly came back to the position and repeat this exercise at least 10 times

2. Sits Up Exercise

Sit up exercise is also a great exercise, which is considered to be six pack abs, or is said to be great for abusive cutting. How to do this exercise, let's lie first and then raise the foot knee and feet claws The knee should be straight on the ground and then put both hands on the head, and then suddenly you can stand up to it, or you can ask someone to catch the feet or you can take some of it.

3. Cycling Exercise.

Cycling Exercise is a very good and beneficial exercise, to remove the cuts in the body or to burn the calories, such as Six Pack Abs, you have to lie down on this exercise, and then just cycle back in. Cycling it, you can reps 9-10 times and do this exercise at least 3 times according to the set.

4. Toe Touches Exercise

Touchets Exercise is also very beneficial for making Six Pack Abs, you can do this exercise easily at home, for this you do not need any kind of equipment, just lie down and come back. Both hands have to touch with the feet and for a few seconds, this exercise in Sam Poison can be repeated repeatedly to its 15 to 20 reps.

5. Crunches Exercise

To make Six Pack Abs, you can exercise crunches just like at home, such as Heal Crunch, Ball Crunch, Vertical Leg Crunch, Long Arm Crunch (Long Arm Crunch) This will help to reduce the fat you have on your stomach i.e. you can burn fat, and after some time you will start seeing six pack cuts.